ITA Board Meeting - 10/24/2024

The ZOOM meeting was called to order at 6:01 with the following officers/ board
members present: Ryan Ruhl, Andy Day, Mike O’Brien, John Fink, Mark Hebert, Joe
McCall, Mike Vose, and Kent Weil.

O’Brien presented the previously emailed minutes from the 8/24 meeting. Motion was
made (Weil) “Accept the secretary report”. Second (Day), passed unanimously.

Day presented the previously emailed treasurer report. Net profit of $8,877.31 from
8/24-10/24/24. With a total balance of $38,971.44. Our current active membership is
493. Motion was made (Vose) “Accept treasurer report”. Second (O’Brien) passed

The 2024 convention was discussed as overwhelmingly positive. A financial breakdown
was emailed prior to the meeting. Total expenses were $4,411.48, total income
$13,319.00 before raffles. Raffle profit was $3,065.06. Vendors reported good sales
and food vendors were happy. Special thanks goes out to all the members, directors,
and officers that helped make this convention a success.
We are waiting for a check for partial reimbursement of CPO Blakely’s tuition.
Ryan will send the signed contract with deposit for the 2025 convention to the Logan
County fairgrounds in the next few days.


National convention will be July 25 & 26, 2025 in Spencer, IA.

Kent will be taking part in a ZOOM meeting with the NTA regional director in the near

IFOR is very involved in a possible change of status for the Shawnee National Forest
and a possible “park” covering portions of the Mississippi River.

The following standing committee assignments were made:
Please note that Ryan Ruhl - President is a member of each committee per by-laws.


RULES - Kent Weil (CM), Dave Scifres
 CONST. - Kent Weil (CM), Tim Kelley, Dean Corgiat
LEGISLATIVE - Dave Scifres (CM) Kent Weil, Tim Sickmeyer
 ELECTION - Mike O'Brien (CM), Bob Collins, Neal Graves
CONVENTION - Cody Champ (CM) Mike O'Brien, John Fink, Jordan McGinnis, Kent Weil

The following Committees were established for the '24-'25 year:

SOCIAL MEDIA - Andy Day (CM), Tim Kelley, Dean Corgiat
OUTREACH & EDUCATION - Mike Vose (CM), John Fink, Doug Stellhorn, Marty Hatfield, Jim Lierle
GRANT WRITING - Mike Vose (CM), Dean Corgiat, Mike O'Brien, Kent Weil
AWARDS - Dave Scifres (CM), Mark Hebert, Joe McCall

Meeting dates were agreed upon:

  Thursday, January 23rd, 6pm, Zoom meeting

  Saturday, May 10th, in person meeting, time and place TBD, hopefully somewhere
  around Logan Co fairgrounds.

  Saturday, August 23rd, in person meeting, time and place TBD, hopefully somewhere
  around Altamont.

  Thursday, October 23rd, 6pm, Zoom meeting

The fur sale will be Saturday, February 15th at the Krile Auction House in Strasburg, IL.
Doors open at 7, auction begins at 9.
After discussion, it was agreed that we need to move to a blanket liability and property
insurance plan. Motion was made (O’Brien) “Ryan Ruhl to provide the board with a
liability and property insurance quote by the end of the calendar year via email”.
Second (Weil) passed unanimously.
Some action items asked of various committees:

RULES & CONSTITUTION—Lifetime membership ready for Board approval prior to the
2025 convention. Membership without subscription ready for board approval ASAP
(maybe by 1/23/25 meeting?)

SOCIAL MEDIA—-Appoint someone to take over the website. Provide the Board with
contact information to have news shared with the membership in a timely manner.

GROUP EFFORT—-Andy to get prices for 2025 gun raffle, share with the board at the
1/23/25 meeting, and, upon approval, print tickets early for presale opportunities.

ALL MEMBERS are encouraged to bring any outreach possibilities to the proper
committee for consideration.

SECRETARY—-needs to go through the archives and put together all of the “Policy &
Procedures” that have been approved by the board, and email them to the current

GRANT WRITING—-Mike Vose, Dean Corgiat, and Lisa Demeule are meeting 11/8 to
work on grant writing basics.

2025 convention will be October 2nd & 3rd at the Logan county fairgrounds, discussion
was held about a gate admission charge.

John Fink can get the same hats sold at the ‘24 convention for $15 if we get 144. Kent
Weil to get a price also.

Board roundtable was held - nothing to report.

Motion to “Adjourn” (O’Brien), Second (Hebert), passed unanimously


The meeting was called to order at 3:03 with Officers Cody Champ, Andy
Day, and Ryan Ruhl present. Members present were: Mike O’Brien, Greg
Anderson, Louie Krumwiede, Brad Short, Kent Weil, Bobby Collins, Mark
Hebert, Christy Hebert, Geoffrey Crabtree, Landyn Crabtree, Jim Lierle,
John Fink, Dave Scifres, Tim Kelley, Robert Elmore, Stephen Brown, Joe
McCall, Ryan Dodd, Sean Morgan, and Neal Graves. The pledge was
followed by a prayer from Bobby Collins.

Motion was made (Collins) to “Bypass secretary report” Second (Weil).
Passed unanimously.

$26,094.06 beginning balance from last year, $26,052.86 currently. There
is $12,632 in the Legislative Defund. Membership sits at 424. Motion
(Champ) to “Accept treasurer report”, Second (Weil). Passed unanimously.


Scfries: There will be a meeting 10/13 in Marengo, IL. CPO Blakely
enjoyed the trappers college, was very successful, and thanks ITA for the

Bob Elmore: Potential National Park along the southern Mississippi River
border between Illinois and Missouri. Potential change of classification from
Shawnee National Forest to Shawnee National Park. IFOR will be
monitoring any possible reductions to sporting access.

Weil: National convention was in Sioux Falls, SD in ‘24, moving to
Harrisonburg, VA for ‘25, and Indiana in ‘26. NTA is at the forefront of
fighting anti trapping legislation throughout the US. They have agreed at
the national level to work in conjunction with the NWTF, DU, and various
other outdoor organizations.

Officers installed as follows: Ryan Ruhl for a second, 2 year term as
President, Neil Graves and Mark Hebert as Directors with a term that
expires in 2025. Bobby Collins, Joe McCall, Tim Kelley, Kent Weil, and
John Fink as Directors to a full 3 year term. Motion made (Scrifres) to the
above. Second (Lierle). Passed unanimously.
Mike O’Brien to a first, 2 year term as Secretary. Motion made (Champ).
Second (Weil). Passed unanimously.

After discussion about a lifetime membership, a consensus was found.
Motion (Elmore) “The Board shall move forward with a lifetime membership
WITHOUT subscription by the 2025 convention”. Second (M. Hebert).
Amended (Kelley) “Board to determine price and any additional gratuites to
lifetime members”. Second (Weil) Amended motion passed unanimously.
After discussion about a membership without a subscription to facilitate
memberships within a household a consensus was found. Motion (Kelley)
“Establish a membership without subscription for $20 per year”. Second
(Graves). Passed unanimously.

The Macon County fairgrounds have served us well, and we appreciate
their support. Looking into 2025, Macon County (including table rental)
would be $3500 for 9/25&26. Logan County fairgrounds will be $1600 with
tables for 10/3&4. As these dates do not conflict with youth deer season in
2025, a motion was made (Champ) “Use the Logan County Fairgrounds for
the 2025 convention October 3rd&4th”. Second (Collins). Passed

The organizational board meeting to establish committees, schedule
meetings for the next year, and clean up any unfinished business from the
convention has been moved to October 24th at 6PM via Zoom. All
members are always encouraged to attend these meetings. Dates and
times are available on the website, you may reach out to Andy for an

We have an offer for someone to take over posting things to the website,
everyone was supportive, but no official motion was made.
Motion to adjourn (Day) Second (Champ). Passed unanimously.

ITA Board Meeting - 8/24/2024
Illinois Audubon Society, Springfield, IL

The meeting was called to order at 9:02 with the following officers/board
members present: Ryan Ruhl, Andy Day, Kent Weil, Tim Kelley, Dean
Corgiat, Joe McCall, Mike Vose, Dave Scifres, Mike O’Brien. Members
present: Jim Lierle, Neal Graves, Bobby Collins, Mark Hebert, John Fink.

As no secretary was present at the last meeting, motion was made (Day)
“Skip the secretary report”. Second (Weil) passed unanimously.

Treasurer report was passed out in a hard copy. Net profit of $4,011.09
from 3/14-8/24/24. With a total balance of $28,537.19. Motion was made
(Corgiat) “accept treasurer report”. Second (Weil) passed unanimously.

Discussed the new trailer purchased with monies from the Furbearer Fund
Decided, at this time, we could utilize the old trailer for various events.
Need to clean out the storage shed in East Peoria.

NTA by Kent Weil
This year’s convention was in Sioux Falls, SD. ITA had our tables there
and was well represented. NTA continues to work on legislation throughout
the nation. Upcoming conventions are set for Arkansas, Nevada, Virginia,
and Indiana.
IFOR by Kent Weil
Annual banquet was May 4th in Godfrey. ITA bought a table, but wasn’t
able to fill it. IFOR is a conglomeration of various outdoor
clubs/associations that work together to help educate legislators as to the
benefits of all outdoor activities.
FTA by Dave Scifres
FTA Chapter 17 meeting 8/25 in Chatsworth. 17-I 10/13 in Marengo. 2025
Convention will be 7/24-26 in Spencer, IA. Nationally, FTA is struggling for
members, and everyone is encouraged to attend the national convention.
Break from 10:05-10:14

Convention will be 9/27&28 at the Macon Co Fairgrounds in Decatur.
There will be a meal and auction Friday night, with proceeds going to help
fund our lobbyist. The general meeting will be at 3:00 Saturday. The
trapper education course will be Saturday in the 4-H building at 8AM.
Want to have next year’s convention locked in before the start of this one.
Considering Effingham, Ogle and Logan County fairgrounds for future

We need any and all information we can get of past winners of any awards.

Motion was made (Scifres) to “Appoint Neal Graves and Mark Hebert to the
Board of Directors with a term that will expire in 2025”. Second (Day)
passed unanimously.
5 people self nominated for a 3 year term on The Board that will begin
after the general meeting 9/28/24: Bob Collins, Joe McCall, Tim Kelley,
John Fink, and Kent Weil. With 5 openings, there is no need for a ballot at
the convention.

There is money available from the furbearer grant that we need to
capitalize on. Mike Vose is going to spearhead grant writing.
The annual CPO class is 9/23-26 in Utica. They are looking for help,
contact Dave Scifres for details.
James Blakely is an older CPO that would like to attend the Trappers
College to further his knowledge of trapping. He has pledged to continue to
share this knowledge after retirement. There was a motion (Scifres) to “pay
for half of James Blakely tuition to the trapper’s college”. Second (Vose).
The motion was amended (Weil) to “pay up to $925 for tuition” Second
(Kelley) amended motion passed 9-1.
Various ideas for hats were shared by Fink.
Consider “collector” shirts with date and location of the convention on them.
Motion to adjourn (Graves) Second (O’Brien) passed unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned 12:31 PM